The Indian chemical industry is among the established traditional sectors of the country that play an integral role in the country’s economic development. This sector forms a part of the basic goods industry and is a critical input for industrial and agricultural development. The Indian chemical industry is one of the oldest industries in India
Four Trends That Will Define The Chemical Industry’s Future The Chinese zodiac calendar says it’s the Year of the Dog, but in the chemicals industry, 2018 might be more appropriately dubbed the Year of the Tiger for the pace at which the business is changing its stripes. This year we’ve seen a continued shift in
Innovation In The Chemical Industry. The only constant is change, right? For the chemical industry, this could not be more true. In fact, if we were to travel back in time just five or ten years, we would be amazed at the difference. The industry is in a constant state of flux, with mergers often
The Next Wave of Innovation in the Chemicals Industry The world is potentially on the brink of an age of new powerful materials, ushered in by innovation in the chemicals industry. But to be central players in this story, today’s incumbent chemicals companies will need some vital prerequisites: restructuring of their product portfolios, successful exploitation
Chemicals 2025: Will the industry be dancing to a very different tune? Chemical companies have been riding high, but the trends that have underpinned that performance are shifting. Companies should reflect carefully on their strengths as they move into this new territory. Whenever over the past decade we have examined the chemical industry’s capital-markets performance, a